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Updated: Mar 30, 2021

Did you realize that you may use all or a portion of your retirement funds to invest in real estate?   Retirement accounts are basically Trust accounts for your benefit when you retire.  In the 1970s, the IRS approved Real Estate as an investment option.  You can purchase with your IRA or a 401 (K).

You may also obtain a non-recourse real estate loan that is granted to your self-directed IRA which will increase your purchasing power.  Typically, the lender, will loan up to 50% loan to value on a 3, 5 or 7 year adjustable rate mortgage. Today’s rates are around 5.25%. The lender I recommend for this type of financing is Larry Enselman at Pacific Crest Savings Bank. He can be reached at or 425-972-8391.

This is an incredible tool for investors and real estate has historically been a good investment.  Most individuals currently hold stocks, bonds or mutual funds in their IRA accounts which can be sold to purchase a real estate investment.  You are able to defer the tax on the gain from the sale of the stocks as they are held in your IRA account.  Please be sure to check with your account manager regarding any fee or charges related to the sale of your current IRA investments.

Similar to stocks, you can buy and sell real estate within the IRA account and defer your tax payment on the gain.

For more information use the website link shown below. At the bottom of the webpage is a link to a PDF titled “Real Estate IRA Investor’s Guide” which I found very informative.  I recommend working with Mark Hodges from Real Trust IRA Alternatives 877-536-4100.


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